
The Members module can be found in the menu at the bottom left corner of the Studio app.

This section is a part of the Admin menu and is restricted to Organization Administrators only. It is not accessible to Project members. For more information, see: Managing Studio access.

In this module, Organization Administrators have the following options:

  • View, modify, or revoke the access levels of current members
  • Invite new users and assign them specific roles.

Administrators can select from three user access levels in the drop-down menu:

  • Organization Admin
  • Organization Viewer
  • Access to Specific Projects.

When granting a user access to Specific Projects, you must choose the projects they can access and their access level for each project:

  • Project Administrator
  • Project User
  • Project Developer
  • No access (removes the user from the Project).

To edit an existing user's access, click on their email to view an overview page. Here, you can:

  1. Decide if the user should continue with Specific Projects access or be upgraded to an Organization member level
  2. Bulk update access for multiple projects for users with Specific Projects access
  3. Individually update the access level for each project