How to identify a device

During installation or maintenance, it is often essential to know which device you are operating. Devices can either be identified through Studio or using the printed ID on each sensor or Cloud Connector.

Each device has a globally unique ID that consists of 20 letters and numbers. 

Identify a device using Studio

  1. Touch to identify to find an online device within one project
  2. Scan the QR code to find a device across projects 
  3. Search for the device ID to find a device across projects

Find the device ID without Studio

  1. Read the sensor ID
  2. Read the Cloud Connector ID

Identify a device using Studio

Touch to identify

Studio has a built-in function to listen to all touched devices within one project, providing a simple way to identify any sensor or Cloud Connector by touching them.

  1. Open Studio
  2. Select the project holding the sensor or Cloud Connector
  3. Select Identify Sensor by touch
  4. Touch the sensor or Cloud Connector you want to identify.
    • Note: The device needs to be online.
    • Note: Counting touch sensors need to be long-touched for 4 seconds
  5. View the device ID in Studio 

Scan the QR code

Studio has built-in QR scanning for quick and efficient identification across projects.

Scan the QR code for sensors and Cloud Connectors. 

  1. Open Studio
  2. Select the QR button in the header

The QR code found on new sensors and all Cloud Connectors contains the ID of the device (e.g., b7ktsvl7rihma4b9dl8g). 

QR Scanning works best on mobile but can be used on a desktop. 


Search for the device ID

If you have the complete device ID (e.g., b7ktsvl7rihma4b9dl8g), you can search for the device across all accessible projects in Studio. 

Before the updated QR variant, most sensors came with the complete ID printed on the front.

All Cloud Connectors, in addition to the QR code, have the device ID printed on the back.
To find a device based on ID:

  1. Open Studio
  2. Select the project dropdown in the header
  3. Change the search type from Projects to Device ID
  4. Enter the complete 20-character device ID


Find the device ID without Studio

Read the sensor ID

On the front of the sensor, there is a printed ID, a QR code, or no printed identification.


Read the ID of the sensor by:

  • Scanning the QR code [1] using a mobile phone or similar
  • Reading the ID that is printed [2] on the front
  • Contact us to help identify sensors without a printed ID or a QR code [3], which you cannot find in Studio.

The printed ID is the same as shown in Studio and consists of a combination of letters and numbers.

Read the Cloud Connector ID

On the backside of the Cloud Connector, there is a sticker. See the picture below.


Get the ID of the Cloud Connector by:

  • Scanning the QR code [1] using a mobile phone or similar
  • Reading the ID that is printed [2] on the back

The printed ID is the same as shown in Studio and consists of a combination of letters and numbers.