There is only one supported interactive card type to display and visualize CO2 data from sensors and that is a Single sensor card.
What you need
Permission: A user role of Project Developer or higher.
Single sensor card
To show CO2 readings on a single sensor card, you can use our CO2 sensor.
In a 1x1 view, the card will display the current CO2 readings in PPM, along with Temperature and Humidity readings.
If expanded, the graph type displayed on the card will depend on the type of view you choose. By clicking the three dots, you can change the view to:
- heatmap or
- time series
In the heatmap view, the x-axis displays dates, while the y-axis represents hours. Colors indicate CO2 levels:
- Cool color tones (green) = good or excellent levels
- Warm color tones(yellow/red) = acceptable/mediocre or unhealthy levels
The scale ranges from 0 to 2000 PPM, with CO2 levels categorized as follows:
- 0 to 800 PPM indicates good or excellent levels,
- 800 to 1500 PPM is considered acceptable or mediocre, and
- levels above 1500 PPM are regarded as unhealthy.
To toggle the display of the sensor’s current readings, click the three dots and select "Hide/Show Sensor Status" on the upper right side of the card.
In the time series, the x-axis displays dates, while the y-axis represents PPM levels. The line on the graph will only show CO2 readings. To display temperature or humidity readings, please visit our article: How to display temperature and humidity readings from CO2 sensors on Dashboard graphs.
Creating a CO2 card
To add a new CO2 card, select Create new card:
- Choose card type - Single sensor card
- Choose a name for the card (optional)
- Pick a sensor
- Set card size
- Click Add to dashboard
You will find the newly created card in the first available position on the dashboard.