Renewal and Subscription FAQ

Below you can find common questions about the renewal and subscription of devices from Disruptive Technologies.

Sensors and Cloud connectors need an active subscription to interact with the cloud. The subscription service covers data storage for 30 days, access to Studio, cellular infrastructure, API, and support.

Please contact us if you can't find an answer to your question in our FAQ article.


How does the subscription model work?
When purchasing DT hardware, you can choose from 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year subscriptions. Following your initial subscription, the service is automatically renewed for continuous operation.

The subscription contact is notified by email before the renewal of the service. You can manage the subscription contact directly in Studio.
What happens when the subscription period is over?
Unless stopped, the subscription will automatically renew.
Can I renew the subscription for a subset of my sensors?
Yes, you can renew any number of devices.
When does my device renew?
Please take a look at your renewal dates for active subscriptions in Studio.
Is it possible to trade in hardware for an upgrade?
We do not provide a general trade-in upgrade service. If you are having problems with your current hardware, we suggest that you contact our support for help.
What happens if I do not renew my sensors?
If you choose not to renew your sensors, the sensors will no longer be active, and you will no longer receive any data.
What is the cost of renewing my subscription?
The cost depends on your pricing agreement. Please contact your sales representative or our sales team at for pricing information.
Which of my sensors has an active subscription?
You can view your active subscriptions in Studio.
Can I have one renewal date for all my subscriptions?

Yes, that is possible! Please contact our support to get help with the process.



Can I pause my subscription if I don't need my sensors for a period?
No, the service is continuous from the day of purchase until the renewal is stopped.
Can I restart the subscription for deactivated devices?
Only sensors with a replaceable battery and Cloud Connector (2nd Gen) can be reactivated. To reactivate, please contact our support.


How do I cancel the service?
You can stop renewing your devices in Studio if you no longer wish to continue the service.
Do I have to return the discontinued devices?
No, it is yours to keep once you have purchased the hardware.
How do I dispose of discontinued devices?

Sensors and Cloud Connectors are electronic waste and must be disposed of as such.

Will I still have access to Studio if my devices are discontinued?
You can still access Studio, but only sensors and Cloud Connectors with an active subscription are available.